Choeaedol Guide

By Vote4kths



Earning hearts ♥️

♥ How to get more hearts ♥

Daily Heart : Reset at 23:30(KST) every night
Ever Heart : This heart can be collected. When you use, it disappears.

1. Attendance Heart (Daily Heart)
The default 100 heart provided when you log in
2. Level Heart (Daily Heart)
Hearts provided by level when you log in
3. Hot Time Login (Daily Heart)
The 30 hearts provided when you log in at Hot Time
4. Give and receive a heart with a friend (Daily Heart)
Once every 10 minutes, 3 times a day
5. Heart Box (Daily Heart)
Random occurrence (7 or 20 or 100 or 1000)Heart Box is available 5 times every 4 hours.If you watch Video AD once, you can open Heart Box one more. However, Heart Box is limited to 10 times in 4 hours (5 times basic + 5 times more).
If all Heart Box turn over, then 'Bust' appears.If you see a 'Bust', please try again in 4 hours.
6. Watch video ads (Ever Heart)
30 Ever Heart provided per watching video ad.Limited to 10 times per hour (total 300 hearts). And you can earn after one hour.
7. Heart Refill Station (Ever Heart)
When you perform the mission, the hearts are provided.
8. Post Reward (Ever Heart)
Upload high-quality images(600px or more) in 1:1 ratio. (100 hearts per day)Upload video(YouTube, V app, Naver) URLs. (100 hearts per day)If you upload the same picture or URL which already exists in the last 10 posts, hearts are not provided.Additional hearts rewarded when you upload the image or URL in 'Hot Time(20:00~23:30 KST)'. (100 hearts per day).
9. Famous post Bonus (Ever Heart)
If the post has more than 100 hearts, the creator earns 10% of the hearts. (10% of the votes cast)
10. Voting Bonus (Ever Heart)
When you vote more than 100 hearts at a time, you receive the reward of 10%.
11. Invite Friend Bonus (Ever Heart)
If a friend recommends your nickname, you can reward 1000 hearts. Level 2 or higher( When a friend first installed an app and signed up )

12. Schedule Vote Reward (Ever Heart)
Every time the schedule you wrote gets 'O', you are rewarded with one heart.

Heart Boxes ❤️

Adding friends

( Made with Carrd )